896 cases disposed in E-Lok Adalat today in Mohali

Harshabab Sidhu
Nabaz-e-Punjab, Mohali, December 12:
As per schedule of National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi and under the instructions of Hon’ble Justice Dr. S. Muralidhar, Judge, Punjab and Haryana High Court and Executive Chairman, Punjab State Legal Services Authority, E-National Lok Adalat was organized here today under the guidance of R.S. Rai, District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Mohali.
Cases relating to Criminal Compoundable Offences, NI Act cases under Section-138, Bank Recovery Cases, MACT Cases, Matrimonial Disputes, Labour dispute, Land Acquisition, Electricity and Water Bills (Excluding non-compoundable theft cases), Service matters relating to pay and allowances and retiral benefits, Revenue Cases, Other Civil Cases (Rent, Easmentary Rights, injunction suits, specific performance suits) etc. were dealt.
In today’s National Lok Adalat, 2066 cases had been taken up out of which 896 cases were disposed off by virtue of compromise and award of an amount of approximately Rs.53.33 crore/- was passed by the different Lok Adalat benches. It is pertinent to mention here that it was the first E-National Lok Adalat in the district wherein compromises were effected through online means as well as physical means.
District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman, District Legal Services Authority accompanied by accompanied by Ms. Shikha Goel, Secretary, District Legal Services authority SAS Nagar took a round of all the Lok Adalat benches at District Headquarter Mohali.
Talking to the media personnel regarding the benefits of Lok Adalat, the District & Sessions Judge informed that the award passed in Lok Adalat is final and binding upon the parties. It is non-appealable and the court fee is refunded. It is a win-win situation for both parties as the compromise with the mutual consensus. “Lok Adalats are boon to the litigating public where they can get their disputes settled fast and free of cost amicably”, reiterated Chairman, District Legal Services Authority.
For the successful organization of this E-National Lok Adalat District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman, District Legal Services Authority had called various meetings of judicial officers, Presidents and Secretaries of the Bar Associations Mohali, Derabassi and Kharar, officials of other Departments i.e. Banks, Electricity Department, Labour Department, Insurance Companies etc. to sensitize them about the E-National Lok Adalat. They were also motivated and instructed to identify maximum number of cases which could be taken up in the E-National Lok Adalat and to make maximum efforts for disposal of the same in the Pre-Lok Adalats and E-National Lok Adalat.

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