Delegation of NSCA meets National Commission for SC’s Chairman

State government is yet to appoint a State Chairman for Punjab Commission for SC’s: NSCA

Disproportionate representation of SC community in the Government: Kainth

Nabaz-e-Punjab Bureau, Chandigarh, 8th March:
At a meeting held here in Chandigarh today, a delegation of National Scheduled Castes Alliance led by Paramjit Singh Kainth met the Chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes, Mr. Ram Shankar Katheria. National Scheduled Castes Alliance is a social-political organization working for the development and upliftment of the Scheduled Castes community, especially in Punjab, a state where Scheduled Castes community has the largest population in India. There have been numerous occasions of violations of rights, inefficient investigation of crimes, inability of the state government to initiate policies and laws for safeguarding the rights of the community, maladministration and lapses in various schemes for welfare of the community and many more heinous acts met against the scheduled castes in Punjab.
Interacting with the press, Paramjit Singh Kainth, President of the National Scheduled Castes Alliance said, “There have been many reported crimes of rape and sexual assault of women belonging to the scheduled castes community. In cities like Faridkot, Mohali etc where women have been harassed or assaulted sexually but their cases are yet to be provided a judgement and justice is still absent. The State government under pressure from our organization constituted SIT’s for particular cases but they were to not positive effect as the culprits behind the crimes are still out in public without being prosecuted and jailed. The State government and the Police administration due to their maligned motives and inefficient working have made a mockery of the law & order in the State and many cases of such severity are still hanging on for someone to provide them justice. There have been numerous atrocities met against the community and many of the people belonging to it have to face the brunt of social boycott. In this day and age of information technology and advanced moral standards, the condition of Scheduled Castes community seems to be still the same as it were hundreds of years before. There was a case of a BSF soldier who was not allowed to step onto the horse for his marriage and was beaten up along with his family by some goons belonging to “higher caste”. Such instances of discrimination are a regular sight in Punjab nowadays and it is sign of the ignorance and weak will of the State government to provide security and equal rights to the community.”
The previous and current government especially are to blame for the lapses in implementation of various policies, schemes and plans like the Scheduled Castes Sub Plan, which was intensely advocated by Paramjit Singh Kainth through the organization for implementation in Punjab is still hanging in limbo.

Kainth said, “The Plan is yet to be properly implemented by the Government even as it was notified in 2014 to be included for the welfare and development of the Scheduled castes community in Punjab. This lack of concern and effort by the previous regime as well as this inefficient Captain Amrinder led Congress government, for the implementation of the Scheduled Castes Sub Plan is a clear indication of the light that the government of the State view the community in.”
He added, “Schemes like Stand up India, launched by Prime Minister Modi’s BJP government is a scheme to launch platforms for the young and budding entrepreneurs belonging to the SC community. This scheme is a beacon of hope for the community and an efficient alternative to self-reliance with dignity but the State government has not yet taken any concrete steps to make this scheme a success in Punjab and its policies and stance towards banks not complying with the scheme has been weak and clearly shows lack of appreciation for the effort of the government at center for the welfare for the socially and economically stricken community.
Another scheme, Post Matric Scholarship for the scheduled castes student has also been a bone of contention. The State government has been ineffective to properly utilize the benefits of the scheme and in return benefit the students of the community. From the past decade, there have been consistent scams in this scheme. Recent example of corruption by the government is Rs. 115 crore given by Centre last year, which was used for personal expenses and misused for various other greedy purposes other than helping the students of the SC community. Rs 1500 crore is yet pending and the State government has been unable to provide economic relief to the students who are suffering and their future is threatened due to the distress from economic burden. The State government has not yet issued a utilization certificate and it is a clear sign of the corruption and greed of the politicians who themselves own colleges and schools.”
Mr Kainth further lamented on the poor condition of administration in Punjab and the lack of representation in the CM house from the Scheduled Castes community. There is no proportionate representation according to the population in the State for various communities at various offices and especially important portfolios.
He said “There are other issues too which have proved to be a hindrance for the SC’s in Punjab. The Commission for Scheduled Castes in Punjab is yet to have a Chairman appointed and the number of members in the commission does not clearly proportionally represent the population of the SC’s in the State. There is a need to increase the number of members in the body and the post of chairman needs to be filled immediately without any delay. The State government has mischievously kept this post unfilled because of the rising cases and atrocities happening in the State. It does not want a body like SC Commission in Punjab to take cognizance of the crimes and demand for investigation and clarification from the State Government. This is the need of the hour that the commission is filled with its office bearers so that it can continue to hear petitions of the aggrieved and take action of what is necessary.
The National Scheduled Castes Alliance also urged Mr. Katheria to propose an increase in the tax slab for the Scheduled Castes community. The current limit of Rs 2 lakh should be increased to Rs 6 lakhs for the people belonging to the community so that the economic burden on them is relieved. Prices of all essential commodities have risen sharply and hence the tax slab must be connected to the price index, so that persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes get relief. The ever-increasing prices are pushing the Scheduled Castes towards the poverty line.”
The meeting ended on a positive note and the chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes assured the delegation that the demands will be put forth the Commission and discussed upon and suitable action would be taken.

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