Vijay Inder Singla issues strict guidelines for protecting students from Covid-19

Orders to conduct board classes daily and exemption from morning assemblies

Nabaz-e-Punjab, Chandigarh, 9 August 2021:
Punjab Education Minister Mr. Vijay Inder Singla has issued strict guidelines to the school heads to protect the school children from the epidemic of Covid-19. The Cabinet Minister said that since August 2, government, accredited, aided and unaided schools have been fully reopened, hence fresh instructions have been issued to deal with the situation of Covid 19 and prevent the spread of the disease. Mr. Singla asked to conduct the classes of V, VIII, X and XII daily so that the education of the students studying in these board classes could be ensured in a smooth manner. At the same time, he has given powers to school heads to invite the students in batches, in case the students are more and the class rooms are less.
The Cabinet Minister said that the school heads would decide on the attendance of the students in the non-board classes as per the availability of class rooms. Students may also be called in batches in this regard. He said that only 25 to 30 students should be seated at a suitable distance in a class room and only one student should be seated on a bench. He also directed to exempt students from the morning assembly to ensure compliance of the Covid-19 instructions.

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