Engineering students of Aryans made a Bench and Mini Green House with waste plastic bottles

Nabaz-e-Punjab Bureau, Mohali, 28th November:
On the pattern of the creator of Rock Garden, Chandigarh, Late Sh. Nek Chand, the Civil Engineering students of Aryans College of Engineering, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh have also made few useful things with the waste plastic bottles at its Campus.
Giving more information about the products, Ms. Rajdeep Kaur, HoD, Civil Dept said that students have made a sitting bench with waste plastic bottles on which 4-5 persons can sit comfortably.
B.Tech Final year Students of Civil Engineering dept namely Nitesh Kumar, Bablu Chowdhary, Faizan, Oman Khan, Sonu Kumar, Ishfaq etc with the motto of making the Campus Plastic-free have taken this small initiative to reuse the waste plastic bottles for making this useful product.
Not only this, these students with the help of Agriculture students under the leadership of Mr. Dheeraj, HoD Agriculture Dept have also made a mini Green House plant with the help of waste bottles to shield plantlets from excess cold or heat and unwanted pests for their own in-house crops. Apart from around 1800 bottles, Cement, Sand, bamboo etc of around Rs 1200/- has also been spent on these products.
Prof B.S Sidhu, Director, Aryans Group said that in this era of innovations costly commodities are not necessarily required to bring some change in the society but we can also reuse and tailor the waste things to get the desired products. With this we can also make the surrounding & environment plastic and pollution free.

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