Harsh should not have replied ‘So Harshly’ to the sublime suggestions of Dr. Manmohan Singh: Bir Devinder Singh

Nabaz-e-Punjab, Chandigarh, April 20:
Former deputy speaker Bir Devinder Singh said that it was unwise for the otherwise quite sober Health Minister Harsh Vardhan to reprove ‘harshly’ the suggestions made by the scholarly former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, in his meaningful, five-point consequential communication to Prime Minister Modi.
He sadi, Dr. Manmohan Singh is acknowledged, world over for his sublime wisdom and erudite brilliance. He is a person who always exhibited great insight and ability in directing the affairs of the Government, while dealing with the important public issues. His suggestions made to the Prime Minister in larger national interest, should not have been rejected with political derision and contempt; at a time when the entire country is reeling under the horrors of Covid-19 pandemic. His nuggets of wisdom should have been acknowledged gracefully and examined thoroughly with objectivity in the larger public interest to deal with the unprecedent spurt in the positive cases of Covid-19.
The former deputy speaker added it does not behoove the incumbent Prime Minister of Nation to deal so shoddily the important communication of predecessor. The sagacity demand that Prime Minister Narinder Modi should have picked up phone to call the former Prime Minister to honorably acknowledge his important communication during the most trying times. But regrettably such polite gestures of sublime dignity are conspicuously missing in the conduct of our politician at the helm and as such Mr. Modi has failed miserably to reciprocate the healthier advice of Dr. Manmohan Singh with the warmth and respect it deserved.

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