Distributors are charging high price to shopkeepers

Harshabab Sidhu
Nabaz-e-Punjab Bureau, Mohali, April 26:
Some local shopkeepers of Mohali have alleged that the distributors have increased the wholesale prices of many commodities on their own due to which they are forced to sell items to the customers at higher prices. Shopkeepers said many of the distributors in the city now refused to deliver the items to their shops following which they have no option left other than purchasing the stock by going to their stores. They also said when several number of shopkeepers goes there for purchasing their stock, it is very tough to maintain social distancing there and risk of infection also increases.
Shopkeepers of Phases 5, 7, 9 and Sector 70 said they are facing lot of problems as the demand of items has been increased but the stock they were getting was not enough to meet the customers’ needs.
Harbans Singh, President of Mohali Kiryana Association, said the shopkeepers have to go on their own vehicles now to purchase items from theirs distributors and that has added to their expenses. Secondly, the shopkeepers also have to deliver essential items at the doorsteps of residents. He said due to all these factors, profit margins of small shopkeepers have been decreased and they were forced to charge more to the customers. “The market is hit by shortage of essential stock. Very few agencies are delivering stock at the shops. Earlier the shopkeepers used to pay Rs 0.9 per kg as the carriage cost to the distributors but now it has become Rs 2.5 per kg,” said Harbans Singh.
Shopkeeper of Singh and Sons at Phase 5, said, “Due to shortage of supply, we are not able to fulfill the demands of residents during the pandemic. Black marketing is also going on in the market. Now the profit margin on each item has cut by 8 per cent, which was earlier 15 per cent. Also, during home delivery of items, 2 per cent cost of each item has been increased for us. In this remaining margin, we have to pay the taxes also following which the commodity rates are up and the customers are blaming us for the hiked prices.”
Some shopkeepers also said the schemes and offers which the distributors used to provide them have been stopped now.
As per the shopkeepers, the almonds which they used to purchase for Rs 620 per kg, are now available for them at Rs 770 at some wholesale shops. Similarly, prices of pulses has been increased by over Rs 10 per kg.
Naveen Kumar, a distributor of Britannia in Mauli Baidwan village, said, “We have to sell our stock to over 350 shops in the district. Due to shortage of time and labour now, it is not easy to deliver the stock at each shop.”

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