Mohali Administration screens the power couple of the state

Harshabab Sidhu
Nabaz-e-Punjab, Mohali, August 15:
In a very interesting development on the sidelines of Independence Day celebrations, it was observed that Mohali Administration going very strict on implementing COVID-19 protocols, today subjected the Chief Secretary of the State, Mrs Vini Mahajan and the Director General of Police Punjab, Mr Dinkar Gupta to infra red thermometry before entering the venue of State Level Independence Day celebrations held at the stadium of Mjr. Harminderpal Government College phase 6 Mohali.
Undertaking a very bold move, one of its kind by restricting the entry of the Chief Secretary and the DGP, Mr Girish Dayalan Deputy Commissioner informed that “not an iota of resistance towards screening was shown by either of the officers”, in fact they appreciated administration’s efforts to strictly implement Covid safety protocols.
“We are thankful to the Chief Secretary as well as the Director General of Police for cooperating with us and encouraging us to you carry on with strict compliance of the protocols,” said Dayalan.
Deputy Commissioner said that when the senior officers lead by example others follow the suit and compliance to the advisories becomes easier.
Hope the humility of the couple makes people realize that corona virus does not distinguish between rank or profile, all are equally susceptible to virus and all must comply by government advisories; avoiding testing can be fatal.

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