National Lok Adalat: 12022 cases has been resolved

Nabaz-e-Punjab Bureau, 13 July:
National Legal Services Authority under the visionary leadership of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde, Judge, Supreme Court of India has organized National Lok Adalat all over India. In the State of Punjab under the able guidance of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Rakesh Kumar Jain, Judge Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court and Executive Chairman, Punjab State Legal Services Authority, National Lok Adalat was organized at district as well as Taluka level. People were made aware of the benefits of the Lok Adalat and meetings were also held at the State Level to pursue the banks, insurance companies, revenue authorities and other government authorities to contribute actively for the settlement of cases in the Lok Adalats and in the State of Punjab 44981 cases were taken up. Out of which 12022 number of cases has been resolved amicably which includes pending cases as well as pre-litigative cases, involving around 100 crores. The response has been very encouraging. Our Hon’ble Executive Chairman Mr. Justice Rakesh Kumar Jain has himself visited three districts in Punjab. His strenuous efforts and participation has helped in resolving number of cases and has brought back the lost smile and hope on the faces of litigants which was very encouraging for everybody and is a source of inspiration for others. During these Lok Adalats, people have also been made aware to contact our toll free number 1968 for any kind of legal assistance. Free legal assistance is available to marginalized segments and our toll free number and Front Offices set up at District and Taluka level are there to guide the litigants as to who and how free and effective legal aid can be obtained. The next Lok Adalat would be held on 14.09.2019. Under the able guidance and motivation of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Rakesh Kumar Jain, we expect to resolve disputes in huge numbers in the upcoming Lok Adalat. For any kind of assistance, the litigants may contact the Front Office of Legal Services Authority situated in each district and Sub-Divisional Court for taking up their matter in the upcoming Lok Adalat and also assistance can be sought from the Head Office.

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