Punjab Launches Swachh Survekshan Grameen (SSG) 2021

Nabaz-e-Punjab Bureau, Chandigarh, September 23:
Department of Water Supply and Sanitation, Punjab (DWSS) has launched the Swachh Survekshan Grameen 2021 with the objective to achieve National ranking on basis of quantitative and qualitative sanitation (Swachhata) parameters. Divulging the details, a spokesperson informed that Smt. Jaspreet Talwar Principal Secretary launched SSG at Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration (MGSIPA) Chandigarh in the presence of Sh. Amit Talwar Additional Secretary, Sh. Rakesh Sharma, Mission Director Swacch Bharat Mission Grameen (SBMG), and all District Sanitation Officers and State SBM (G) team. Speaking on the occasion, Sh. Amit Talwar outlined the objectives of SSG 2021. He explained areas of marking under SSG 2021 like Self Reporting, Direct Observation, and Citizen Feedback and also shared his experiences and best practices from SSG 2019. He informed that the survey will be conducted from 25th Oct to 23rd Dec 2021. Further, he emphasized Citizen FeedBack; one of the key components of SSG 2021. The district teams were advised to prepare a meticulous media plan for the success of SSG 2021. Sh. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Mission Director SBMG gave an overall view of Swachh Survekshan Grameen 2021.

During the keynote address Smt. Jaspreet Talwar mentioned that in Punjab, the survey will be carried out by an Independent Survey Agency; M/s Ipsos Research Pvt. Ltd., and 521 villages will be randomly selected for the survey. 10 households and 5 public places from each selected village will be evaluated on various Swachhta parameters. The main objective of SSG 2021 is to encourage large-scale citizen participation performance comparison of districts & states, ascertain the progress of Swachhata on the ground, solicit feedback from citizens and evaluate the implementation of Solid & Liquid waste management in the districts.

She emphasized that the collective effort of District Administration, Department of Rural Development of Panchayats, and other stakeholder departments, Gram Panchayats need to put in their best efforts for conducting SSG 2021 on the ground. She also reiterated that citizen feedback is the most important component of this survey and districts need to organize extensive awareness campaigns making it a peopleโ€™s movement. SSG 2021 will foster a spirit of healthy competition amongst the districts to top in national raking which will be a matter of pride for the entire State. Dr. Anoop Tripathi, M&E Expert SBMG, Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, GOI provides the necessary impetus to the districts at the State Level Launch. Dr. Anoop appreciated the State and shared that Punjab is amongst the first State in India which has launched Swachh Survekshan Grameen 2021. He also gave his valuable inputs for the effective implementation of SSG 2021 in the districts. A detailed presentation was given by Sh. Jaspreet Singh, Manager Operations, Ipsos Research Pvt. Ltd on SSG Framework & Ranking Protocol. The live demonstration for reporting on IMIS was also given to the participants. All the queries raised by the participants were also addressed one by one. All Additional Deputy Commissioners (Development), officers from the Department of Rural Development & Panchayats, Social Staff attended the launch virtually from their respective districts.

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