Reduce intake of industrial trans-fats in food to avoid health risks: PGI experts

Harshabab Sidhu
Nabaz-e-Punjab, Chandigarh, August 6:
Intake of Trans-Fatty Acids (TFA) can increase the risk of death due to heart attack by 28% in Punjab. In a clarion call for eliminating trans-fats from oils, fats, and foods, Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health organized a webinar with the health experts in Chandigarh. The dialogue was also supported by the Strategic Institute for Public Health Education and Research (SIPHER), Chandigarh.
Speaking on Trans-fats and health risks, Dr Poonam Khanna said, “For every extra gram of trans fatty acids consumed per day will increase the risk of heart attack or heart disease by about 5%”. Highlighting the figures from the World Health Organisation (WHO), Dr Khanna said that trans-fat intake leads to over 500,000 deaths from cardiovascular diseases.
Dr Om Prakash Bera briefed about the global scenario of trans-fats elimination. He further called for developing effective policy measures for TFA elimination that can be implemented and sustained in the state of Punjab and across the country.
Ms Opinder Preet Kaur, President, Generation Saviour Association, an NGO working for better health of future generations, said: “There is limited awareness about the ill effects of trans fats, intake of which increases bad cholesterol and decreases good cholesterol levels in our body. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has already put in place a regulation to limit trans-fatty acids in all oils and fats to not more than 2% by January 2022”.
Dr Rakesh Gupta said, “Saturated fats increase the levels of albuminuria. However, more research needs to be done. People with cardiovascular diseases have high risks of heart disease so they have to be more cautious about the selection of cooking oil consumed as food”.
Key takeaways from the deliberation:
Existing regulation says that maximum limit of trans fat, should not be more than 5% by weight vegetable fat/oil, bakery and industrial margarine, and vanaspati, however, at the same time, it is challenging for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to reach unregistered and unauthorized street vendors.
People across the country are not much aware of about trans-fats and the risk factor associated with it; a subject to be addressed immediately.
Undoubtedly, the food department plays a pivotal role in implementing measures to keep a check on percentage of trans-fats at manufacturer, distributor, food business operator, and consumer level.
It is high time to understand we may generate demand by saying no to trans-fats keeping in mind the adverse health effects. The production process destroys labile omega-3 acids and reduces the propensity for fats to become rancid, increases shelf life, and optimizes shelf life and optimizes deep frying applications.
Scientific evidence speaks that consumption of trans-fats may have adverse effect on coronary heart diseases, increases DM risks, obesity, and colon cancer etc.

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