Saharanpur violence and its backlash, SC movements grow in strength and support

Scheduled Castes MLA’s-MP’s a disgrace for not standing with their people in such menacing times – Kainth

RSS and BJP dividing Indian Unity – Chamar Mahan Sabha

Nabaz-e-Punjab Bureau, Chandigarh, 20th May:
Fear and anger pervades Shabirpur village. The tension is palpable. As the Scheduled Castes Community asserts itself growing in strength and support, The Chamar Mahan Sabha (TCMS) decided to lend its support to the protest at Jantar Mantar by the Bhim Sena on 21st May.
Based in Punjab, The Chamar Mahan Sabha since its inception in 2010 has been constantly involved in fighting for the rights and advocating social justice for the Scheduled Castes community all over India. Sabha President Paramjit Singh Kainth today while addressing the media told “Our community has been suffering by the hands of the ManuVadi ideology in India from thousands of years, the Brahamnical structure of our society and the huge menace of casteism has left the Scheduled Castes community in a state of deterioration and exploitation. Now the time is to rise and fight for our rights. Now is not the time to quietly bear the atrocities and sorrows.”
He further said “Even after getting numerable provisions and rights written for the benefit the Scheduled Castes community, we are still suffering from the hands of incapable leadership and the fake promises of the ruling governments. The Independence we have is just for the sake of its name but in reality, at the grass root level, Scheduled Castes are still exploited and discriminated against as they were in the past.”
Mr. Kainth further criticized the UP Government and BJP Government at the center for its incapability to control the situation and allowing the incidents to escalate to such a level that the Scheduled Castes affected in such incidents are left to suffer for their entire lives. Members of the The Chamar Mahan Sabha had recently submitted memorandums to the Prime Minister and the President; they further voiced their opinion on the role of RSS in these incidents.
Kainth said “RSS is now looking more like the Britishers who adopted the policy of Divide and Rule, rather than an organization which itself titles to be for the benefit of the country. They are trying to create a rift between the unity of India, Dividing and alienating various sections of the society against each other and hurting the National unity.”
He further urged the National Leaders of various parties and organizations to raise their opinions and fight by the side of the Scheduled Castes community which is in dire need of an upheaval and he urged everyone to leave their selfish and greedy motives behind to work for the betterment of the society as a whole.
He criticized the MLA’s and MP’s of the Scheduled Castes community all over India, calling them a disgrace to the community. Kainth said “While asking for Votes, these leaders pretend to be the closest to the Community and after winning the votes by their fake promises and deception, these Leaders never return or fight against Injustice during their tenure as Ministers and MLA’s. They are mere puppets in the hands of their respective parties who utilize them as a tool to win the votes of SC population in a State. Now is the time for MLA’s and MP’s of the community to stand by their people and leave their personal agendas behind.”
There have innumerable incidents in the recent months and especially since BJP came to power in 2014, these incidents escalate to such a point that Scheduled Castes are rendered helpless and fighting for their own rights and seeking justice.
Kainth told “The Chamar Mahan Sabha and its brotherly organizations are in full support of the protest and they render their unconditional support for the movement. We will all be a part of this protest and will not hide or stop until our community gets its social rights and justice, until we are able to create a society where equality for all is not just for the namesake but is a reality”

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